International Reem Supreme Show
"A Hip-Hop Podcast for Hip-Hop Heads" Hip Hop culture and lifestyle brought to you as only Kareem Shon can. You can expect to keep up with the latest while enjoying features from industry insiders and artist of all kind. Along with some lifelong friends, we aim to bring our audience the content that you want to share with your friends. Get to know the International Supreme Team: Taraja, Big Scoob and Kareem Shon
International Reem Supreme Show
EP:30 Cancel Kanye West and Ye
The team links up to share thoughts on Ye (formally known as Kanye West) interview on Drink Champs. After seeing parts 1 and 2 there are a few shocking moments that really cause us to say ......... we say a lot.
- He used the backpack Hip Hop community?
- He been down with the GDs?
- Just Blaze copied off of him?
- Trump was good for the Black Community?
Houston, we got a problem. Our solution, cancel Kanye West and Ye!
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